Bachelor Of Science - Process Engineering salary in West Germany

Monthly Median Gross Salary €5,250.96
Based on 44,461 salaries.
Employees who earn less 35,774,000
79% of the employees earn less in Germany.
Employees who earn similarly 520,000
2% of employees earn similarly in Germany.

Age and gender data combined

The monthly median gross salary for Bachelor Of Science - Process Engineering in West Germany is €5,250.96.

Based on 44,461 gross salaries
  • 25% of Bachelor Of Science - Process Engineering employees earn less than €4,244.02,
  • 50% of Bachelor Of Science - Process Engineering employees earn between €4,244.02 and €6,539.50,
  • 25% of Bachelor Of Science - Process Engineering employees earn more than €6,539.50.

Salary variation by gender

  • The median salary of Men is €5,296.86.
  • Based on 41,693 salaries.
  • The median salary of Women is €4,735.86.
  • Based on 2,768 salaries.
The median salary of women is 11% lower than the median salary of men.

Salary variation by age

Medium gross salary, gender combined Bachelor Of Science - Process Engineering in West Germany with an age group of
  • Under 25 years will have a median salary of €4,014.72.
  • 25 to 55 years will have a median salary of €5,134.68. The difference between the previous and this age group's median salary is 28%.
  • Above 55 years will have a median salary of €5,943.54. The difference between the previous and this age group's median salary is 16%.


Highest earner

The best-earning Bachelor Of Science - Process Engineering are Men of Above 55 age groups who live in Baden-Württemberg. Their median salary is €6,184.26, which is a 18% increase over the median salary (€5,250.96) of the selected category.

Median salaries by federal state

Included in the median

In contrast to all full time employees in Germany

35,774,000 full-time employees in Germany subject to social insurance earn less than those working as Bachelor Of Science - Process Engineering in West Germany. This corresponds to about 79% of full-time employees. A similar gross salary is earned by 520,000 full-time employees, or 2%.

At the sector level, median earnings ranged from €5,160 in the banking, finance and insurance sector to €1,890 in the temporary employment sector, where very low-paid manual jobs are clearly overrepresented.

Higher wages are generally associated with employment in larger companies and with longer periods of employment.

Professions in which women earn more than men

Professions in which women earn less than men

The 25-55 age group earns more than the 55+ age group

Highest entry level jobs (under 25)

What Is Median Salary?


A median wage is a number that takes into account several wages and arranges them in ascending or descending order. The median salary is the salary that is in the middle of the sorted salaries. So if you see a median salary, you can be sure that half of the indicated salaries are lower and half are higher.

The exact middle number in a list is called the median. For example, the median of a sorted list of numbers 2300, 2400, 2500, 2600, 2700, 2800 and 6000 is 2600 because half the numbers are lower and half are higher.


Mean wages are calculated by summing up all of the salaries on a list and dividing by the number of salaries on the list. This is important to remember while examining wages, since it implies that extremely high and extremely low incomes are weighted equally in the final average. When data includes a few abnormally high or low wages, mean salary reporting might be misleading.

Rather of looking for the middle number in the list, the mean is calculated by using additions and division. For example, to calculate the mean of 2300, 2400, 2500, 2600, 2700, 2800 and 6000 add them all together to get 21300. Divide them by 7, which is the number of entries on the list, and you get 3042.85.