
Federal Salary Scale A (Beamte-Bund-A)

To find out your net salary, either select the gross salary from the remuneration table below or visit the Gross Net Salary Calculator for Public Sector Employees and choose the relevant Tariffs Agreement.


The Public Service Collective Agreement (TVöD) and the Collective Agreement for the Public Service of the Federal States (Länder) (TV-L) are collective agreements that apply to many public employers, including the federal government, the federal states, the municipalities and the social insurance carriers.

These agreements are negotiated between representatives of the federal government, the United Services Union (ver.di), the Tarifgemeinschaft deutscher Länder (TdL), the Employers' Association of the Federal States (except Hesse), the Federation of Municipal Employers' Associations (VKA) and the unions responsible for the public sector.

Together, the TV-L and the TVöD cover a wide range of occupations in the fields of administration, social and educational services, health care, justice, research, IT and more.

Beamte-Bund-A Remuneration Table (effective from Mar 1, 2024)

Select the gross salary in the table to determine the net amount, which gives you a complete overview of your earnings after deduction of taxes and social security contributions.


Beamte-Bund-A Tier Progression

The table on the right shows how many years of work experience are required to reach the various tiers and how long one must remain in each tier to be eligible for the next tier. The number in parentheses next to the years of experience indicates the additional years required to advance to the next tier. It is helpful for individuals seeking career advancement to know the qualifications for the various tiers. The table includes tiers from 1 to 8 with corresponding pay grades 3 through 16.

When a new employee is hired, they will be placed in the first tier of that salary scale if they have no relevant work experience. If the employee has at least one year of relevant work experience with the same employer, they will be placed in a higher tier, taking into account the length of their previous employment. If the employee has at least one year of relevant work experience with a different employer, they will be hired at the respective tier, depending on the length of their experience.

Additionally, if the new hire has previously worked in a public sector job under the same salary regulations, the employer may take into account the tier they had achieved in their previous job when determining their tier in the new organization .

Tier 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A-16 0 (+2) 2 (+3) 5 (+3) 8 (+3) 11 (+4) 15 (+4) 19 (+4) 23
A-15 0 (+2) 2 (+3) 5 (+3) 8 (+3) 11 (+4) 15 (+4) 19 (+4) 23
A-14 0 (+2) 2 (+3) 5 (+3) 8 (+3) 11 (+4) 15 (+4) 19 (+4) 23
A-13 0 (+2) 2 (+3) 5 (+3) 8 (+3) 11 (+4) 15 (+4) 19 (+4) 23
A-12 0 (+2) 2 (+3) 5 (+3) 8 (+3) 11 (+4) 15 (+4) 19 (+4) 23
A-11 0 (+2) 2 (+3) 5 (+3) 8 (+3) 11 (+4) 15 (+4) 19 (+4) 23
A-10 0 (+2) 2 (+3) 5 (+3) 8 (+3) 11 (+4) 15 (+4) 19 (+4) 23
A-9 0 (+2) 2 (+3) 5 (+3) 8 (+3) 11 (+4) 15 (+4) 19 (+4) 23
A-8 0 (+2) 2 (+3) 5 (+3) 8 (+3) 11 (+4) 15 (+4) 19 (+4) 23
A-7 0 (+2) 2 (+3) 5 (+3) 8 (+3) 11 (+4) 15 (+4) 19 (+4) 23
A-6 0 (+2) 2 (+3) 5 (+3) 8 (+3) 11 (+4) 15 (+4) 19 (+4) 23
A-5 0 (+2) 2 (+3) 5 (+3) 8 (+3) 11 (+4) 15 (+4) 19 (+4) 23
A-4 0 (+2) 2 (+3) 5 (+3) 8 (+3) 11 (+4) 15 (+4) 19 (+4) 23
A-3 0 (+2) 2 (+3) 5 (+3) 8 (+3) 11 (+4) 15 (+4) 19 (+4) 23


Family Allowance Level 1

The family allowance for the first child is €153.88, and then increases

  • by € 131.52 for the second child,
  • and by €409.76 for each additional child.
For grades A 3 to A 5 and for candidates in the lower grade of the civil service, the family allowance further increases:
  1. by €5.37 for the first child for pay grades A 3 to A 5 and for civil service candidates by,
  2. and for each further child:
    • by €26.84 in pay grade A 3,
    • by €21.47 in pay grade A 4,
    • by €16.10 in pay grade A 5.

None 1 2 3 4 5
A-16 €0.00 €153.88 €285.40 €695.16 €1,104.92 €1,514.68
A-15 €0.00 €153.88 €285.40 €695.16 €1,104.92 €1,514.68
A-14 €0.00 €153.88 €285.40 €695.16 €1,104.92 €1,514.68
A-13 €0.00 €153.88 €285.40 €695.16 €1,104.92 €1,514.68
A-12 €0.00 €153.88 €285.40 €695.16 €1,104.92 €1,514.68
A-11 €0.00 €153.88 €285.40 €695.16 €1,104.92 €1,514.68
A-10 €0.00 €153.88 €285.40 €695.16 €1,104.92 €1,514.68
A-9 €0.00 €153.88 €285.40 €695.16 €1,104.92 €1,514.68
A-8 €0.00 €153.88 €285.40 €695.16 €1,104.92 €1,514.68
A-7 €0.00 €153.88 €285.40 €695.16 €1,104.92 €1,514.68
A-6 €0.00 €153.88 €285.40 €695.16 €1,104.92 €1,514.68
A-5 €0.00 €159.25 €317.61 €732.73 €1,158.59 €1,584.45
A-4 €0.00 €159.25 €317.61 €743.47 €1,174.70 €1,605.93
A-3 €0.00 €159.25 €317.61 €754.21 €1,190.81 €1,627.41

Family Allowance Level 2

The family allowance for the first child is €285.40, and then increases

  • by € 131.52 for the second child,
  • and by €409.76 for each additional child.
For grades A 3 to A 5 and for candidates in the lower grade of the civil service, the family allowance further increases:
  1. by €5.37 for the first child for pay grades A 3 to A 5 and for civil service candidates by,
  2. and for each further child:
    • by €26.84 in pay grade A 3,
    • by €21.47 in pay grade A 4,
    • by €16.10 in pay grade A 5.

None 1 2 3 4 5
A-16 €0.00 €285.40 €416.92 €826.68 €1,236.44 €1,646.20
A-15 €0.00 €285.40 €416.92 €826.68 €1,236.44 €1,646.20
A-14 €0.00 €285.40 €416.92 €826.68 €1,236.44 €1,646.20
A-13 €0.00 €285.40 €416.92 €826.68 €1,236.44 €1,646.20
A-12 €0.00 €285.40 €416.92 €826.68 €1,236.44 €1,646.20
A-11 €0.00 €285.40 €416.92 €826.68 €1,236.44 €1,646.20
A-10 €0.00 €285.40 €416.92 €826.68 €1,236.44 €1,646.20
A-9 €0.00 €285.40 €416.92 €826.68 €1,236.44 €1,646.20
A-8 €0.00 €285.40 €416.92 €826.68 €1,236.44 €1,646.20
A-7 €0.00 €285.40 €416.92 €826.68 €1,236.44 €1,646.20
A-6 €0.00 €285.40 €416.92 €826.68 €1,236.44 €1,646.20
A-5 €0.00 €290.77 €449.13 €864.25 €1,290.11 €1,715.97
A-4 €0.00 €290.77 €449.13 €874.99 €1,306.22 €1,737.45
A-3 €0.00 €290.77 €449.13 €885.73 €1,322.33 €1,758.93

Official Allowances

Official and position allowances may be provided for prominent functions. They may not exceed 75 percent of the difference between the final basic salary of the grade of the civil servant, judge or soldier and the final basic salary of the next higher grade, unless otherwise provided by law.

None 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A-16 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €259.18 €0.00 €0.00
A-15 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €308.99 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €231.76
A-14 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €231.76 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00
A-13 €0.00 €338.04 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €154.51 €0.00
A-9 €0.00 €332.63 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00
A-8 €0.00 €71.48 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00
A-7 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €55.49 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00
A-6 €0.00 €0.00 €44.68 €0.00 €0.00 €44.68 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00
A-5 €0.00 €44.68 €0.00 €82.42 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00
A-4 €0.00 €44.68 €82.42 €0.00 €8.98 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00
A-3 €0.00 €44.68 €82.42 €41.61 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00

Command Func. - 4/4a

Position Allowance Nr. 4 - Allowance for military command functions.

None Company Leader Platoon Leader Squad Leader Team Leader Civilian Directives Company Sergeant Major
A-14 €0.00 €150.00 €130.00 €100.00 €100.00 €100.00 €0.00
A-13 €0.00 €150.00 €130.00 €100.00 €100.00 €100.00 €0.00
A-12 €0.00 €150.00 €130.00 €100.00 €100.00 €100.00 €0.00
A-11 €0.00 €150.00 €130.00 €100.00 €100.00 €100.00 €0.00
A-10 €0.00 €150.00 €130.00 €100.00 €100.00 €100.00 €0.00
A-9 €0.00 €150.00 €130.00 €100.00 €100.00 €100.00 €135.00
A-8 €0.00 €150.00 €130.00 €100.00 €100.00 €100.00 €135.00
A-7 €0.00 €150.00 €130.00 €100.00 €100.00 €100.00 €135.00
A-6 €0.00 €150.00 €130.00 €100.00 €100.00 €100.00 €0.00
A-5 €0.00 €150.00 €130.00 €100.00 €100.00 €100.00 €0.00
A-4 €0.00 €150.00 €130.00 €100.00 €100.00 €100.00 €0.00
A-3 €0.00 €150.00 €130.00 €100.00 €100.00 €100.00 €0.00

Flight Technical - 5

Position Allowance Nr. 5 - Allowance for aircraft technical personnel, military air traffic control technical personnel and technical personnel of the mission control service.

  1. Aircraft technical personnel
  2. Air traffic control technical personnel of the military air traffic control and technical personnel of the operations command service
  3. Full-time personnel of central training institutions, which train officers and soldiers for such positions after serving according to number 1 or number 2

No Yes
A-9 €0.00 €75.00
A-8 €0.00 €75.00
A-7 €0.00 €75.00
A-6 €0.00 €53.00
A-5 €0.00 €53.00

Flight Personel - 5a

Position Allowance Nr. 5a - Allowance for civil servants and soldiers in the military air traffic control operations service, operational command service and geoinformation service of the German Armed Forces.

None 5a-1-1 5a-1-2 5a-1-3 5a-2 5a-3 5a-4-1-1 5a-4-1-2 5a-4-2 5a-5 5a-6
A-16 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €340.00 €0.00 €0.00 €340.00 €263.00 €212.00 €295.00 €295.00
A-15 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €340.00 €0.00 €0.00 €340.00 €263.00 €212.00 €295.00 €295.00
A-14 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €340.00 €0.00 €0.00 €340.00 €263.00 €212.00 €295.00 €295.00
A-13 €0.00 €340.00 €295.00 €340.00 €237.00 €237.00 €340.00 €263.00 €212.00 €295.00 €295.00
A-12 €0.00 €340.00 €295.00 €340.00 €237.00 €237.00 €340.00 €263.00 €212.00 €212.00 €212.00
A-11 €0.00 €340.00 €295.00 €340.00 €237.00 €237.00 €340.00 €263.00 €212.00 €212.00 €212.00
A-10 €0.00 €340.00 €295.00 €340.00 €237.00 €237.00 €340.00 €263.00 €212.00 €212.00 €212.00
A-9 €0.00 €308.00 €263.00 €340.00 €212.00 €212.00 €340.00 €263.00 €212.00 €135.00 €135.00
A-8 €0.00 €308.00 €263.00 €340.00 €212.00 €212.00 €340.00 €263.00 €212.00 €135.00 €135.00
A-7 €0.00 €308.00 €263.00 €340.00 €212.00 €212.00 €340.00 €263.00 €212.00 €135.00 €135.00
A-6 €0.00 €308.00 €263.00 €340.00 €212.00 €212.00 €340.00 €263.00 €212.00 €135.00 €135.00
A-5 €0.00 €308.00 €263.00 €340.00 €212.00 €212.00 €340.00 €263.00 €212.00 €135.00 €135.00

Flying Duty - 6

Position Allowance Nr. 6 - Allowance for civil servants and soldiers on flying duty

  1. A position allowance in accordance with Annex IX shall be paid to civil servants and soldiers in grades of Federal pay scale A if they are used
    1. as an aircraft pilot licensed to operate single- or two-seat jet-powered fighter or trainer aircraft, or as a weapons systems officer licensed to operate two-seat jet-powered fighter or trainer aircraft,
    2. as an aircraft pilot licensed to operate other jet-powered aircraft or other aircraft, or as an aircraft operations officer,
    3. as a pilot with permission and authorization to pilot and operate unmanned aerial vehicles that must be piloted and operated in accordance with instrument flight rules,
    4. as a flight technician in the Federal Police or other permanent aircrew member in the Armed Forces.
  2. The position allowance last granted under the first sentence of paragraph 1 shall continue to be granted for five years after the end of the assignment, even beyond grade A 16, if the official or soldier
    1. has been used for at least five years in an activity as defined in paragraph 1, or
    2. has suffered a service-related accident in flight service or a health impairment caused by the special features of this service which precludes further use in accordance with paragraph 1.

None 6-1-1 6-1-2 6-1-3 6-1-4 6-2
All Tiers €0.00 €680.00 €540.00 €475.00 €435.00 €615.00

Aviation tech. ins. - 6a

Position Allowance Nr. 6a - Allowance for civil servants and soldiers as aviation technical inspectors and certifying staff. The additional payment for aeronautical inspection personnel and certifying staff is up to €150.00.

No Yes
All Tiers €0.00 €150.00

Supreme Authorities - 7

Position Allowance Nr. 7 - Allowance for civil servants and soldiers at supreme authorities and supreme courts of the Federation. The allowance for supreme authorities and supreme courts of the Federation is up to €400.00.

No Yes
A-16 €0.00 €400.00
A-15 €0.00 €330.00
A-14 €0.00 €330.00
A-13 €0.00 €275.00
A-12 €0.00 €275.00
A-11 €0.00 €275.00
A-10 €0.00 €275.00
A-9 €0.00 €220.00
A-8 €0.00 €220.00
A-7 €0.00 €220.00
A-6 €0.00 €220.00
A-5 €0.00 €165.00
A-4 €0.00 €165.00
A-3 €0.00 €165.00

Intelligence Service - 8

Position Allowance Nr. 8 - The allowance for civil servants and soldiers in the intelligence services is up to €300.00.

No Yes
A-16 €0.00 €300.00
A-15 €0.00 €300.00
A-14 €0.00 €300.00
A-13 €0.00 €250.00
A-12 €0.00 €250.00
A-11 €0.00 €250.00
A-10 €0.00 €250.00
A-9 €0.00 €200.00
A-8 €0.00 €200.00
A-7 €0.00 €200.00
A-6 €0.00 €200.00
A-5 €0.00 €150.00
A-4 €0.00 €150.00
A-3 €0.00 €150.00

Telecom. Recon. - 8a

Position Allowance Nr. 8a - Allowance for Bundeswehr officers and soldiers in telecommunications and electronic reconnaissance, satellite-based imaging reconnaissance, or aerial photo interpretation is up to €206.00

No Yes
A-16 €0.00 €206.00
A-15 €0.00 €206.00
A-14 €0.00 €206.00
A-13 €0.00 €174.00
A-12 €0.00 €174.00
A-11 €0.00 €174.00
A-10 €0.00 €174.00
A-9 €0.00 €141.00
A-8 €0.00 €141.00
A-7 €0.00 €141.00
A-6 €0.00 €141.00
A-5 €0.00 €103.00
A-4 €0.00 €103.00
A-3 €0.00 €103.00

Information Security - 8b

Position Allowance Nr. 8b - Allowance for civil servants at the Federal Office for Information Security and at the Central Office for Information Technology in the Security Sector is up to €240.00.

No Yes
A-16 €0.00 €240.00
A-15 €0.00 €240.00
A-14 €0.00 €240.00
A-13 €0.00 €200.00
A-12 €0.00 €200.00
A-11 €0.00 €200.00
A-10 €0.00 €200.00
A-9 €0.00 €160.00
A-8 €0.00 €160.00
A-7 €0.00 €160.00
A-6 €0.00 €160.00
A-5 €0.00 €120.00
A-4 €0.00 €120.00
A-3 €0.00 €120.00

BfM&F - 8c

Position Allowance Nr. 8c - Allowance for civil servants and soldiers at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees is up to €140.00.

No Yes
A-16 €0.00 €140.00
A-15 €0.00 €140.00
A-14 €0.00 €140.00
A-13 €0.00 €125.00
A-12 €0.00 €125.00
A-11 €0.00 €125.00
A-10 €0.00 €125.00
A-9 €0.00 €110.00
A-8 €0.00 €110.00
A-7 €0.00 €110.00
A-6 €0.00 €110.00
A-5 €0.00 €85.00
A-4 €0.00 €85.00
A-3 €0.00 €85.00

Law Enforcement - 9

Position Allowance Nr. 9 - Allowance for civil servants and soldiers with law enforcement duties

  • Civil servants and soldiers after a period of service of 1. one year - €95.00
  • Civil servants and soldiers after service of 2. two years - €228.00

0 Years 1 Years 2 Years
All Tiers €0.00 €95.00 €228.00

Maritime - 9a

Position Allowance Nr. 9a - Allowance in the maritime sector.

None 9a-1-1 9a-1-2 9a-1-3 9a-3-1 9a-2-2 9a-2-3
All Tiers €0.00 €350.00 €700.00 €225.00 €136.00 €76.00 €76.00

Op. Serv. Fire Dep. - 10

Position Allowance Nr. 10 - Allowance for civil servants and soldiers in the operational service of the fire department:

  • Civil servants and soldiers after a period of service of 1. one year - €95.00
  • Civil servants and soldiers after service of 2. two years - €190.00

0 Years 1 Years 2 Years
All Tiers €0.00 €95.00 €190.00

Doctors & Rescue - 11

Position Allowance Nr. 11 - Allowance for civil servants of the German Armed Forces as regional physicians and for soldiers as emergency medical technicians or as regional physicians.

None 11-1-1 11-1-2 11-3
All Tiers €0.00 €415.00 €615.00 €220.00

MS. Craftsman Exam. - 12

Position Allowance Nr. 12 - Allowance for civil servants with master craftsman's examination or final examination as state-certified technician is up to €55.00.

No Yes
All Tiers €0.00 €55.00

Tax Inspection - 13

Position Allowance Nr. 13 - Allowance for civil servants in the field service of tax inspection or customs investigation and at the Central Financial Transaction Investigation Office is up to €220.00.

No Yes
A-16 €0.00 €220.00
A-15 €0.00 €220.00
A-14 €0.00 €220.00
A-13 €0.00 €210.00
A-12 €0.00 €210.00
A-11 €0.00 €210.00
A-10 €0.00 €210.00
A-9 €0.00 €200.00
A-8 €0.00 €200.00
A-7 €0.00 €200.00
A-6 €0.00 €200.00

Air Traffic cont.- 14

Position Allowance Nr. 14 - Allowance for air traffic controllers is up to €35.00.

No Yes
A-11 €0.00 €35.00
A-10 €0.00 €35.00
A-9 €0.00 €35.00

Federal Police - 15

Position Allowance Nr. 15 - Allowance for civil servants at the Federal Criminal Police Office, the Federal Police and the Customs Administration is up to €140.00.

No Yes
A-16 €0.00 €140.00
A-15 €0.00 €140.00
A-14 €0.00 €140.00
A-13 €0.00 €110.00
A-12 €0.00 €110.00
A-11 €0.00 €110.00
A-10 €0.00 €110.00
A-9 €0.00 €90.00
A-8 €0.00 €90.00
A-7 €0.00 €90.00
A-6 €0.00 €90.00
A-5 €0.00 €70.00
A-4 €0.00 €70.00
A-3 €0.00 €70.00

Cyber Defense- 16

Position Allowance Nr. 16 - Allowance for civil servants and soldiers of cyber defense in the German Armed Forces is up to €300.00.

No Yes
A-16 €0.00 €300.00
A-15 €0.00 €300.00
A-14 €0.00 €300.00
A-13 €0.00 €250.00
A-12 €0.00 €250.00
A-11 €0.00 €250.00
A-10 €0.00 €250.00
A-9 €0.00 €200.00
A-8 €0.00 €200.00
A-7 €0.00 €200.00
A-6 €0.00 €200.00
A-5 €0.00 €150.00
A-4 €0.00 €150.00
A-3 €0.00 €150.00

Dig. Radio BOS & ITZB - 17

Position Allowance Nr. 17 - Allowance for civil servants at the Federal Agency for Digital Radio of Security Authorities and Organizations and at the Federal Information Technology Center is up to €192.00.

No Yes
A-16 €0.00 €192.00
A-15 €0.00 €192.00
A-14 €0.00 €192.00
A-13 €0.00 €160.00
A-12 €0.00 €160.00
A-11 €0.00 €160.00
A-10 €0.00 €160.00
A-9 €0.00 €128.00
A-8 €0.00 €128.00
A-7 €0.00 €128.00
A-6 €0.00 €128.00
A-5 €0.00 €96.00
A-4 €0.00 €96.00
A-3 €0.00 €96.00

IT Operations - 18

Position Allowance Nr. 18 - Allowance for civil servants of the German Armed Forces and soldiers in assignments to maintain and ensure IT operations and the IT infrastructure of the German Armed Forces is up to €192.00.

No Yes
A-16 €0.00 €192.00
A-15 €0.00 €192.00
A-14 €0.00 €192.00
A-13 €0.00 €160.00
A-12 €0.00 €160.00
A-11 €0.00 €160.00
A-10 €0.00 €160.00
A-9 €0.00 €128.00
A-8 €0.00 €128.00
A-7 €0.00 €128.00
A-6 €0.00 €128.00
A-5 €0.00 €96.00
A-4 €0.00 €96.00
A-3 €0.00 €96.00

EA-Central - 19

Position Allowance Nr. 19 - Allowance for civil servants at the headquarters of the Federal Employment Agency is up to €80.00.

No Yes
A-16 €0.00 €80.00
A-15 €0.00 €80.00
A-14 €0.00 €80.00
A-13 €0.00 €60.00
A-12 €0.00 €60.00
A-11 €0.00 €60.00
A-10 €0.00 €60.00
A-9 €0.00 €40.00
A-8 €0.00 €40.00
A-7 €0.00 €40.00
A-6 €0.00 €40.00
A-5 €0.00 €20.00
A-4 €0.00 €20.00
A-3 €0.00 €20.00

Risk-Weighted Bonus

Risk-Weighted amount in accordance with section 39 (2) sentence 1.

No Yes
A-12 €0.00 €137.60
A-11 €0.00 €137.60
A-10 €0.00 €137.60
A-9 €0.00 €137.60
A-8 €0.00 €129.62
A-7 €0.00 €129.62
A-6 €0.00 €129.62
A-5 €0.00 €129.62
A-4 €0.00 €129.62
A-3 €0.00 €129.62